Cyberpunk 5e: Rogue

Rogues are skilled and nonconformist individuals who excel at navigating the boundaries of the law.

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Creating a Rogue

Class Group: Expert
Primary Ability: Dexterity, Wisdom or Intelligence

To create a Cyberpunk rogue follow the guide in One D&D:

Starting Equipment

As a 1st-level character, you start with the following equipment, or you can forgo it and spend 150 Credits on equipment of your choice.

Starting Equipment

Light Pistol
Pistol Magazine (20)
Infiltrator Pack
Light Katana

Armored Vest
Thieves’ Tools
10 Credits

Rogue Class Features

As a Cyberpunk Rogue, you gain the Class Features listed in the One D&D, except Thieves Cant, which Encryption replaces.

1st Level: Encryption

You learn to send encrypted messages over the matrix. As an action, you may send an encrypted message through the matrix. To decipher such a message requires a Key given by you. The Key must be biometric data, photograph, or otherwise unique and advanced Key. Without the Key, deciphering the message is nearly impossible and requires a DC 30 Intelligence (Computer) to decipher.

Rogue Subclasses

A Rogue Subclass is a specialization that grants you special abilities at certain Rogue levels, as specified in the Subclass. All DND Rogue subclasses are playable in a Cyberpunk setting, but some may fit better than others. Ask you GM before choosing an non-cyberpunk subclass.


You have a knack for controlling drones and can use them in both offensive and defensive tasks.

3rd Level: Neural Prodigy

You may have a Neurolink implanted without spending essence. When you gain this feat, you may choose to get a Neurolink installed for free. If you do, you owe a contact a favor.

3rd Level: Neural Droner

You become proficient with Drones and learn to maneuver and control them incredibly.

When you use your Neurolink to control your drones, you have additional options for the Bonus Action of your Cunning Action, with which you can do the following:

Search. Take a Search action through the camera of your Drone.

Dash. Take an extra move action with your Drone.

6th Level: Tuned

Increase your Drones speed by 10 feet.

10th Level: Extra Drone

You may use Neural Cunning in your cunning Action, even if you used it in your main phase. You cannot give the same Drone two orders.

14th Level: Overdrive

You can push your drones to their limits. Gain an action, which can only be used to control your drones. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before using it again. 


Hackers use their knowledge of programming and technology to infiltrate databases and access sensitive information.

3rd Level: Neural Prodigy

You may have a Neurolink implanted without spending essence. When you gain this feat, you may choose to get a Neurolink installed for free. If you do, you owe a contact a favor.

3rd Level: Neural Hacker

You become proficient in Computers and Hacking Software.

When you use your Neurolink with computers, you have additional options for the Bonus Action of your Cunning Action, with which you can do the following:

Search. Take a Search action Wisdom(Computers) to search for a file or folder in a data storage.

Hack. Make an Intelligence (hacking Software) to break through a Firewall.

6th Level: Trailless

You are an expert in minimizing your digital trail. When you use your Neurolink with computers, you have additional options for the Bonus Action of your Cunning Action, with which you can do the following:

You may lower the Threat rating of a Network by 2. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before using it again.

10th Level: Phantom

You have a special connection with the data that flows around you. Each day you may cast Digital Phantom a numbers of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

14th Level: One With the Matrix

You have become one with the matrix. You cannot have Disadvantages on a ability check to hack or use a computer.


Infiltrators are covert operatives who specialize in infiltrating networks and physical locations.

3rd Level: Electronic Infiltrator

You become proficient in Scanners and learn to use them to look for danger. When you use your Neurolink to control your Scanners and Thieves’ Toolkit, you have additional options for the Bonus Action of your Cunning Action. You may use your cunning Action to do the following:

Scan. Take a Search action with a scanner.

Jam. Make an Intelligence (Thieves’ Tools) to disarm or short circuit any electronic trap or device or pick an electronic lock.

3rd Level: Neural Prodigy

You may have a Neurolink implanted without spending essence. When you gain this feat, you may choose to get a Neurolink installed for free. If you do, you owe a contact a favor.

6th Level: Infiltration Expert

You have an adept understanding of how technology works. As a result, you have advantage on all checks to use your thieves’ tools to disarm or short-circuit any electronic trap or device or pick an electronic lock.

10th Level: Undetected

You have learned to move around the electronic surveillance undetected. Each day you may cast Digital Invisibility a numbers of times equal to you proficiency bonus.

14th Level: Thief’s Reflexes

You have become adept at laying ambushes and quickly escaping danger. You can take two turns during the first round of any combat. You take your first turn at your normal initiative and your second turn at your initiative minus 10. You can’t use this feature when you are surprised.


Amored Vest

Light Armor, AC 11 + Dex, Bulletproof, 8 lb, 10 credits.

A bulletproof vest of reinforced Kevlar fabric designed to withstand bullets and shrapnel.

Infiltrators Pack

Starter Pack, 40 credits

A collection of equipment that can help you enter anywhere.

1 Waterproof Backpack
1 Tiny Wheeled Drone
1 Proximity Sensor

1 Flashlight
1 Cable Cutter
20 Wire Strippers

Light Katana

Melee Weapon (simple, sword), 1d6 Slashing, Finesse, Light, 2 lbs, 10 credits

A light katana combines the speed and agility of a short sword with the cutting power of a katana. It is a versatile and effective weapon that can be wielded with one hand, allowing the wielder to use a shield or another weapon in their off-hand.

Light Pistol

Ranged Weapon (Simple Pistol), 1d6 Piercing, Range 75/225, Pistol Ammo (20), 25 credits

A high-powered light pistol with a streamlined design featuring a polymer frame and a tungsten slide.

Semi-Automatic. You may use the Double Tap attack action. The attack uses 2 bullets. Roll an extra damaged dice, and remove the lowest result.

Thieves’ Tools

Toolset, 25 credits

Mastery of these tools allows you to add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks to bypass security measures.

1 Microchip Analyzer
1 Lock Pick
1 Electronic Lockpick

1 Datapad
1 Cable Cutter
20 Wire Strippers

New Spells

Digital Invisibility

1nd-Level Illusion Spell

Casting Time: Action
Range: Touch
Component: V
Duration: 1 hour

A creature you touch becomes invisible on digital on cameras and screens until the spell ends.

Digital Phantom

3rd-Level Transmutation Spell

Casting Time: Action
Range: Touch
Component: V
Duration: Instant

Until the spell ends, increase your firewall by 5, you have advantage on all saving throws in the Matrix, and gain an additional action on each of you turns. That action can be used only to take a Computer or Hacking action.